Commercial Service

According to California Assembly Bill 341, commercial businesses and public entities that generate four or more cubic yards per week of waste, and multi-family complexes with five units or more, are required to adopt recycling practices. Waste Management makes it easy for businesses to comply with the state mandate by providing commercial recycling services.

Waste Management is pleased to offer a recycling program specifically designed to meet the needs of each unique apartment, condominium, mobile home complex and business.

In addition to complying with the new state recycling law, we can give you some very good reasons to add recycling services:

  • Potential cost savings
  • Convenient service options
  • Resource conservation

La Verne encourages you to take advantage of commercial recycling offered by Waste Management. By diverting recyclable commodities from your waste stream, you could reduce your trash bill significantly and comply with the state law.

Recycling is an easy way to cut down on your solid waste disposal costs. By keeping items out of your trash, you can cut down on the number of waste bins and limit the frequency of your trash pickups. Less trash equals more cash for your business.

Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling- AB 1826 

Covered Businesses Must Have Organics Recycling 

Assembly Bill 1826- As part of California's recycling and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission goals, businesses are required to collect yard trimmings, food scraps and food-soiled paper for composting, as of April 1, 2016. Multifamily buildings with five or more units are required to collect yard trimmings, as of April 1, 2016. These organic materials account for nearly one-third of the approximately 30 million tons of waste destined for California's landfills each year. Diverting organics from landfills for processing into compost and mulch reduces landfill GHG emissions and produces sustainable products that contribute to soil health, plant nutrition, water conservation and carbon sequestration.  Mandatory commercial organics recycling helps to meet the goals of California's Global Warming Solutions Act, AB 32.



Businesses that generate eight (8) cubic yards of organic waste per week, including food scraps and yard trimmings, are required to have organics recycling service as of April 1, 2016.

Multi-family properties with five (5) units or more that generate eight (8) cubic yards of organic waste per week are also covered. As of January 1, 2019 collection of food scraps and food soiled paper will be required. Some jurisdictions may require this sooner; check with your municipality.


Food Scraps including solid, semi solid, and liquid food such as fruit, vegetables, cheese, meat, bones, poultry, seafood, bread, rice, pasta, and oils; coffee filters and tea bags; cut flowers and herbs.

Yard Trimmings including grass clippings, leaves, flowers, hedge trimmings, weeds, etc. Nonhazardous Wood including tree branches, trunks, and untreated lumber.

Food-Soiled paper is uncoated paper that is soiled with liquid or solid food waste and typically includes products such as napkins, towels, and tissues, paper plates, paper cups, fast food wrappers, egg cartons, used pizza boxes, wax-coated cardboard, and other similar paper or compostable packaging.



Every jurisdiction in California is required to implement an organics recycling program and conduct outreach to regulated business as of January 1, 2016. In addition, jurisdictions are

required to monitor regulated business to ensure that they comply with recycling requirements.


April  1, 2016, businesses and mutli-family buildings generating 8 cubic yards per week of covered organics shall arrange for organics recycling service.

January 1, 2017, businesses generating 4 cubic yards per week or organics shall arrange for organics recycling service.

January  1, 2019, businesses and multi-family properties generating 4 cubic yards of commercial solid waste (trash) shall arrange for organics recycling service.


Our trained employees can help you determine the size container and frequency of service required to meet your needs. Please contact customer service for more information.

For more information, visit: /Recycle/Commercial/Organics.


For more information on commercial recycling or for a free consultation, call (626) 856-1242.

Contact Information

Customer Service Center
1 (800) 266-7551
1 (909) 599-1274

Hours of Operation
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sat: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.